Configuring the Trap Table
3-28 Trap Messages
SDLC No CTS on link 721
A necessary CTS was not received from the DCE.
Severity Major (Level 2)
Action Check the modem to make sure it is operational.
SDLC No External Clock 722
The necessary clock is not being provided.
Severity Major (Level 2)
Action Check the modem to make sure it is operational.
SDLC LLC/2 Remote Link Stn lost 736
The remote station is not responding. Either the Inactivity Timer (Ti) or
Acknowledgment Timer (T2) has expired.
Severity Major (Level 2)
Action Check the remote station to make sure it is operational.
LLC/2 DM Received 737
The remote station sent a Disconnect Mode response and the logical link is down.
Severity Major (Level 2)
LLC/2 SABME Received when open 738
The remote station sent a SABME to the local station, but the local station had
already been initialized via a SABMEÑUA exchange.
Severity Major (Level 2)
Action None; however, if the problem persists, contact your support
LLC/2 FRMR Rcvd, Invalid Command 739
The remote device received an invalid or unsupported command, and returned a
Frame Reject.
Severity Major (Level 2)
LLC/2 FRMR Rcvd, IFLD not permitted 740
The remote device received an I-frame when it was not permitted, and returned a
Frame Reject.
Severity Major (Level 2)
LLC/2 FRMR Rcvd, Invalid Nr 741
The remote device received an invalid N
and returned a Frame Reject.
Severity Major (Level 2)