Interface Statistics 3-7
Adjust printer settings as required, then click OK. (For more information on the
appropriate printer settings, consult your Microsoft Windows UserÕs Guide.)
Interface Statistics
The Interface (IF) Statistics window (Figure 3-3) provides MIB-II interface
statistical information Ñ including counts for both transmit and receive packets,
and error and buffering information Ñ for any port interface which does not
support RMON, or whose RMON support has been disabled. A color-coded pie
chart in the middle of the window lets you graphically view statistics for Unicast,
Non-Unicast, Discarded and Error packets.
Figure 3-3. Interface Statistics Window
Three informational Þelds appear in the upper portion of the window:
Displays the interface description for the currently selected port: Ethernet, FDDI,
or ATM.
Displays the MAC (physical) address of the selected port.
This window is also available for all port interfaces Ñ regardless of their level of RMON
support or the current administrative status of the RMON Default MIB component Ñ
via the I/F Summary window (described in Chapter 2) or the bridge port menus in the
Bridge Status view (see the bridging chapter in your Tools Guide).