Managing the Hub 2-27
The SmartSwitch 7000 Chassis View
Duplex, and 10Base-T. Of the selected abilities, the highest mode mutually
available will automatically be used. If there is no mode mutually advertised, no
link will be achieved.
If you have selected a speciÞc operational mode for your 100Base-TX port, the
Advertised Abilities do not apply; the selected Advertised Abilities also do not
restrict the local nodeÕs ability to set up a link with a partner who is not currently
Remote Capabilities
When the local node is set to Auto-Negotiation, this Þeld will display the
advertised abilities of the remote link Ñ even if the remote link is not currently set
to auto-negotiate. Possible values for this Þeld are:
¥ 100Base-TX Full Duplex
¥ 100Base-TX
¥ 10Base-T Full Duplex
¥ 10Base-T
¥ Link Partner does not support auto negotiation Ñ auto negotiation is either
not supported by or is not currently selected on the remote port.
¥ Unknown Ñ the link partnerÕs capabilities could not be determined.
When the local node is not set to Auto-Negotiation, this Þeld will be grayed out,
even if the link partner is set to Auto-Negotiation and is advertising abilities.
Setting the Desired Operational Mode
For any 100Base-TX port, you can speciÞcally choose any one of the four available
operational modes, or you can select Auto-Negotiation mode, which allows the
port to negotiate with its link partner to Þnd the highest mutually available
bandwidth. If you select Auto Negotiation mode, you must also choose which of
the portÕs bandwidth capabilities you wish to advertise to the link partner.
Auto-Negotiation is not currently supported for 100Base-FX ports; for these ports, the
Advertised Abilities section will be grayed out.
If both link partners are set to Auto-Negotiation, but there is no mutually-advertised
operational mode, no link will be achieved, and both nodes may display the message ÒLink
Partner does not support Auto-Negotiation.Ó To resolve this situation, be sure both link
partners advertise all their abilities, or be sure they advertise at least one
mutually-available mode.