68 CyberSWITCH
After you save the LAN interface configuration, press 1 to add the next interface. Configure the
information for the WAN (UnNumbered) interface as follows:
As the above screen shows, not much information is needed to configure a WAN (UnNumbered)
interface. Simply press 5 to select the WAN (UnNumbered) interface type, then press <return> to
accept the default of 1500 as the MTU size.
After you save the interface information, a screen summarizing the configured interfaces will be
Normally, at this point, we would configure the necessary static routes. But, because this example
uses an UnNumbered Interface, we must first configure the device that will act as SITE1’s next hop.
We must do this because to add the static route for an UnNumbered interface, you need to enter
SITE2’s device name for the next hop device. To do this, you must already have configured device
Return to the Main Menu to begin the device configuration.
Begin by pressing 3 at the Main CFGEDIT Menu. The Security Menu will then be displayed. Then,
press 1 at the Security Menu, and the Security Level Menu will be displayed. To enable Device
Level Security, press 2.
Press 3 at the Security Menu, and the Device Level Database Menu will be displayed. To enable the
On-node Device Database, press 1 and follow the on-screen instructions.
To add the remote devices, press 2 (On-node Device entries). Press 1 to add the device. You will first
be asked to enter the Device Name as shown below:
After the new device name has been specified, the following screen is displayed.
1) LAN
2) WAN
3) WAN (Direct Host)
5) WAN (UnNumbered)
Select function from above or <RET> for previous menu: 5
Enter the MTU size in bytes [default = 1500]? <return>
Device Name? SITE2