66 CyberSWITCH
In our example, we need to configure two types of interfaces. The LAN interface represents SITE1’s
connection to the LAN IP Network A WAN UnNumbered interface represents SITE1’s
logical connection to SITE2. A WAN UnNumbered interface allows you to configure an IP WAN
interface without assigning an IP address to it. With this feature, unnecessary logical IP (sub)
network numbers for the WAN connections do not have to be created, and therefore saving IP (sub)
network numbers.
First we will add the LAN interface. Press 2 to edit the IP Interface Information. Press 1 to add an
IP interface. Press 1 to select “LAN” as the type of interface.
The interface name is a symbolic name given to the interface. For the LAN interface, you should
use a name that describes the LAN. Enter LAN1 for this example.
You will then be asked for the IP Address for the interface. Enter
For the rest of the entries for this interface, press <return> to accept the default values (including
the default values for the LAN RIP information).