1 689 989 072 2010-04-06| Robert Bosch LLC
Commissioning | KTS 340 | 11KTS 340 | 11 | 11 en
15. Start the "ESI[tronic] Startcenter".
i The " (Info) >> Help" menu opens the online
help. This contains all essential information on the
ESI[tronic] Startcenter.
16. Perform KTS 340 licensing by fax or online.
4.2.2 Licensing the KTS 340 online
! A PC/laptop with Internet access is required for
online licensing.
1. Connect the KTS 340 to the mains voltage via the
supplied power supply unit, and switch on.
? The KTS 340 starts up.
Connect the KTS 340 to a PC/laptop by means of the
USB connecting cable.
3. Select the "Licensing >> Online" menu in the Start-
? The "Online licensing" input box opens.
4. Step 1: Enter the customer number/password and
select <Login>.
? The Internet connection for online licensing is
i If "Login" is not possible, check proxy settings under
(Service) >> User settings".