1 689 989 072 2010-04-06| Robert Bosch LLC
10 | KTS 340 | Commissioning en
9. Disconnect the USB link to the KTS 340.
? The following message then appears with WIN 7:
Windows can't verify the publisher of
this driver software
10. Confirm the message with "Install this driver soft-
ware anyway".
11. Switch on the KTS 340.
i The KTS 340 always starts up in English (US) when
first switched on. The language can be changed
under "
(Service) >> User setting >> Language
i The ESI[tronic] Startcenter installation routine au-
tomatically installs the USB driver to permit commu-
nication between the KTS 340 and the PC/laptop.
The "Connect USB" dialog box does not appear if the
USB driver was already installed during an earlier
installation of Startcenter (e.g. with KTS 200).
? The following message appears with WIN XP:
This wizard helps you install soft-
ware for: KTS-embedded.
? The following message appears with WIN Vista:
Windows needs to install driver
software for your KTS embedded.
12. Close the message with "Cancel".
? The following message then appears with WIN
Vista and WIN 7:
Windows can't verify
the publisher of this driver soft-
13. Confirm the message with "Install this driver soft-
ware anyway".
14. To successfully conclude installation, restart the
? ESI[tronic] Startcenter has been installed.