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Configuring PATROL for BEA WebLogic 3-9
Table 3-3 Register WebLogic Server Manager Dialog Box Fields (for
WebLogic Server version 5.1)
Field Name Description
Monitor WebLogic
Server ID
name you want used for this server instance
this server name must be exactly the same
(including case) as the WebLogic Server name
for example, if the WebLogic server is named
“myserver”, then this field must contain “myserver”;
if the configuration is for a server in one cluster
whose name is also used in another cluster, then
this field will contain the cluster and server name
separated by an exclamation point in the form:
the default value for this field is the server name
found in the startup batch file (Windows) or script
file (Unix)
the name must begin with a letter, not a number nor
special character; do not use a space in this ID
Installed WebLogic
full directory path where the WebLogic application
is installed; this is not the same as WebLogic
Commerce Server
DNS Hostname DNS hostname on which the server is running
this name will usually be t3://localhost, except when
clustering is used; t3 is the WebLogic
communication protocol
Port Number port number on which the WebLogic Server is
this is usually 7001 unless you are running multiple
servers; the port number is listed in the
weblogic.properties file