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Configuring PATROL for BEA WebLogic 3-7
5. Change the path values, if necessary, then click OK.
The Java Class Path field must include paths for any WebLogic service
packs that you have installed. If you apply additional service packs after
registering your server, you will need to update the Java Class Path field
by using the Update Registered Server KM menu command.
Table 3-2 Setup Java Environment Dialog Box Fields
Field Name Description
JDK Path full directory path where the Java Developer Kit is
installed; this should reflect the JDK version
supported by BEA for your platform, this field is
populated by default if the environment variable
JAVA_HOME is set
if JAVA_HOME is not set, this field will default to the
subdirectory of the shipped JDK lib toolkit under the
installed WebLogic application directory (for
example, d:\bea\jdk130)
you can optionally specify the path to an installed
JRE, for example, if your Java executables are
under /usr/weblogic51/jre1_2/jre/bin, you would
enter the path to the directory above bin,
Java Class Path
optional field
list of directory paths that Java searches (in order)
when looking for executables; the value in this field
is used by the collector
you need to change this field only to specify
additional paths, for example, you may need to
specify additional directories in this field if you have
installed service packs
the default class path will include weblogic.jar,
weblogic_sp.jar, and the java collector path