
8. If you determined you need
Spacer Bars (See Step # 2, page
9), place the Spacer Bars on top of
each Bracket so that the 2 small
tabs on the bars fit into the
notches on the Brackets. Slide the
Mounting Bracket and Spacer
Bars above the nuts through the
U-shaped openings on the
Bracket. The Bracket will then be
resting on the nuts. (Figure M)
9. Push the Spacer Bars/Bracket
up against the screws and
forward toward the front of the
cabinet. Tighten the screw/nut
assembly with a screwdriver until
the Spacer Bars/Bracket just
touches the bottom of the cabinet.
(Figure N) The Bracket should
move freely front to rear in the slot
to fine tune the fit of the Toaster to
the cabinet front. Repeat Steps 8
and 9 for the other Bracket.
10. Hold the Toaster in front of you
and push it forward into the slots
on the Mounting Brackets until it
locks into place. The Metal Lip on
the top of the Toaster should rest
against the cabinet front. (Figure
O) The front of the Toaster will
extend 1
2" beyond the front of the
Figure O
Figure N
Figure M