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Chapter 4: Configuration
Table 4-35. Menu configuration—
CON devices buttons.
Button Function
New Open a new CON device
Delete Delete a new CON device
Apply Confirm a created CON device
Cancel Reject changes
> Assign selected extender units
>> Assign all available extender units
< Remove the selected extender units
<< Remove all extender units
You can select between the following keyboard commands:
Table 4-36. Keyboard commands.
Function Keyboard Command
Decrease assignment number of the extender unit <+>
Increase assignment number of the extender unit <->
To create a new console, proceed as follows:
1. Press the “New” button.
2. Select “Create a real Console” to create a real console or a select “Create a
virtual Console” to create a virtual console, or select “Choose template” to use
the template of an existing console.
3. Press the “OK” button.
4. Determine all parameters that are relevant for the console.
5. To confirm a created console, press the “Apply” button.
To run a created CPU via matrix, you need to assign one or more CON units
(extenders). To place an assignment, proceed as follows:
1. Select the console in the CON devices list to be assigned to an extender.
2. Select the extender in the Extender available list to be assigned to the CON.
3. Perform the assignment by pressing the “>” button. To assign all available
extenders to the console, press the “>>” button. The assignments are displayed
in the Extender assigned list.