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Chapter 2: Overview
The symbol in Table 2-15 indicates the extender that is recognized and defined at
a certain port:
Table 2-15. Extender recognized.
Symbol Description
Port connected to a CPU unit
Port connected to a CON unit
Port connected to a USB 2.0 CPU unit
Port connected t a USB 2.0 CON unit
• Red framed ports are defined as “fixed” (for example, for USB 2.0 connections).
• The port with a static blue frame is currently selected.
• The ports with a flashing blue frame show the currently assigned connections.
NOTE: To show the extender information of the currently selected port in the right
part of the working area, press the left mouse button.
The information in Table 2-16 is available:
Table 2-16. Extender information.
Symbol Description
Extender name Name of the selected extenders
Extender type Type of the selected extender
Port ID Number of the selected port
Device name Name of the connected console or CPU
Connections Listing of assigned connections to the marked port (full access or video access)
NOTE: To open the context menu for the currently selected port with further
functions, press the right mouse button.