s Wireless Modem
SALES: 0118 965 5100
In the process of establishing a link, various problems may arise, either single link problems
or co-located link problems. The possible problems are:
• Two units are connected but there is no radio link between them
• Poor performance of a radio link
• There is a radio link but the LIU does not operate or is not synchronized
• There is a radio link and the LIU operates, but the end equipment does not
• The radio link is stable, but the error rate on the end equipment is unacceptable
• The radio link is fine, but the voice quality/data rate is poor, or the end equipment
loses synchronization from time to time
• The system resets with an error message
• One or more links function (are synchronized), but when adding another link
performance degrades
• The Fractional E1/T1 link is synchronized, but one or some systems that are
connected to the end equipment (i.e. telephone, fax, voice mail) is not working
This chapter helps you to identify the source of the problems, and provides a recommended
Use this chapter as guidelines to troubleshooting, but remember that at any given site more
than one of these problems can arise, and in different variations.
Troubleshooting problems and solutions
Problem 1: Two units are connected together but there is no radio link between
Probable cause:
• Wrong unit configuration
• RF installation problems