s Wireless Modem
SALES: 0118 965 5100
Set-up and Configuration
Set-up and Configuration Functions
This section explains how to access and set the Set-up and Configuration functions that are
provided for the 2.048Mbps Wireless Modem. The main parameters to set are:
• Line interface unit set-up parameters
• Management control parameters
• Modem set-up parameters
• Radio set-up parameters
Accessing the Set-up and Configuration Functions
You can access the Set-up and Configuration functions by connecting a terminal to the
RS232/V.24 monitor interfaces on the rear panel of the 2.048Mbps Wireless Modem.
The local monitor allows you to access the set-up parameters from an ASCII ANSI terminal,
or from a PC running a terminal emulation program, such as the Windows Hyper Terminal or
Procomm. Use the following settings:
• Baud rate 9600
• Data bits 8
• Stop bits 1
• Parity None
• Flow control None
• Connector Available Com port
Connect the terminal to the monitor interface of the 2.048Mbps Wireless Modem. The
monitor appears displaying the main menu.
Main Menu
When the Setup and Configuration screen appears the main menu is displayed, providing
general status information and access to other menus: