2. Installation
Image 2-2
Internet options Settings
2.3 Starting up
Start up
To start up the ViewScape Toolset software, the following steps are involved:
1. Go to the Start menu, select Programs.
2. Drag your mouse to the right and select ’ViewScape Toolset’.
3. Drag to the right and launch first ’Service Launcher’. (image 2-3)
The service launcher starts up the following processes:
- Tomcat Webserver
- Admin engine
- sysid
An icon will be added to the task bar.
4. Go again to Start → Programs → ViewScape Toolset.
5. Drag to the right and launch ’ViewScape Toolset’. (image 2-4)
The ViewScape Toolset will start.
When it is started for the first time, the wizard will be started automatically. (image 2-5)
In all other cases, it will start with the last used configuration. (image 2-6)
Image 2-3
Starting the Service Launcher
Image 2-4
Starting ViewScape Toolset
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