
New configuration 14–15, 17–18
Based on the output requirements 17–18
Set up 18
Based on the resolution 17
Based on ViewScape devices 14–15, 17
Getting started 14, 17
Set up 15
Preferences 81–82
Purpose 81
Screen position 82
Start up 81
Window offset 82
Preset configurations 67–70
Loading 68–70
Removing 70
saving 67
RS232 43–44
Set up 43
Start up 43
Status 44
Quick change 44
Scaling windows 49
Select window 48
Set up 15, 18–23, 27–29, 32, 34–38
Autodetection 23
Based on the output requirements 18
BasedonViewScapedevices 15
Black Balance 34
Adjustment 34
Black level 36
Adjustment 36
Color 35
Equalization 35
Compare configurations 27
Configuration preview 22
Contrast 35
Equalization 35
Current configuration 19
Digitizer output 20
Final settings 37
Finish wizard 38
Gamma setup 34
Input Balance 34
Adjustment 34
Mechanical overlap 32
Output check 29
Soft edge blending 34
Update configuration 28
White Balance 34
Adjustment 34
Working windows 21–22
Definition 21
Removing 22
Software 9
Start up 9
Start Autodetection 25
Start up 9
System configuration 76
Configuration Manager 76
deleting 76
System Configuration 50
Windowing 50
Z-Order 50
ViewPort 55–56, 58–60
Copy settings 60
Create for multiple background 58–59
Create for single source 56
Group changes 60
Overview 55
ViewpPort 55
ViewScape 11, 41, 83–85, 91, 94
Application 41
Overview 41
Close 11
Configuration 83–84
Settings 84
Start up 83
Digitizer settings 85, 91, 94
Black level 94
Pattern generation 91
Soft Edge 94
Timings 85
Output 85
Selection 85
Settings 84
Operational mode 84
Window mode 53
Change 53
Window name 52
Change 52
Windowing 47–50, 52–56, 58–62, 64, 66–70
Alpha Blending 64
Aspect ratio 52
Color key 62
Display configuration 47
Full window 54
Group changes 50
Input configuration 47
Locking a window 54
Moving window 48
Preset configurations 67–70
Loading 68–70
R5976476 VIEWSCAPE TOOLSET 01/07/2004