MatrixPRO • 16x16 and 8x8 HD/SD-SDI Router • User’s Guide 69
MatrixPRO Remote Commands
• Description: Displays preset information (i.e. preset valid, which input video/
audio # routed, audio level, etc).
• Parameters:
out Preset number; [1 - 16]
S Examples:
PSTAT 1 (Displays preset status for preset 1.)
PSTAT (Displays preset status for all presets.)
• Description: Enables and Disables Reclocker on Output Channel
• Parameters:
num Input number; [1 - 16]
en Enable -[1]; Disable - [0]
• Query: RCLKEN? num; Returns the selected output's Reclocker Status: =en
S Example: RCLKEN 10 1 (Enables output 10 Reclocker)
• Description: Resets the system to factory defaults
• Parameters:
op Reset operation; [R|F], Restart|Factory
S Example: RESETMP F (Resets system to factory defaults and resets all
user saved presets.)
• Description: Recalls the system parameters from non-volatile RAM. The system
parameters that are recalled include the current input and output routes, grouping
information, I.P. settings and serial port configuration parameters. Upon power-
up, the system configures itself according to these parameters.
• Parameters: None
• Description: Recall an existing preset from a preset location and update current
front panel configuration/routing. If no preset information has been saved to the
preset location, no changes are made.
• Parameters:
out Preset number to recall from; [1 - 16]
S Example: RPRST 1 (Recalls configuration from preset location 1.)
This parameter is optional, if no parameter exist, all preset
information (i.e., 1-16) will be displayed.