MatrixPRO • 16x16 and 8x8 HD/SD-SDI Router • User’s Guide 67
MatrixPRO Remote Commands
• Description: Clears the selected grouping information.
• Parameters:
grp Group number to clear; [1-16]
S Example: GCLEAR 1 (Clears the grouping information in group number 1.)
• Description: Remove output and/or input from the selected group index.
• Parameters:
grp Group number to remove output; [1-16]
out Output number to remove; [1-16] / 101 if no output to remove
in Input number to remove; [1-16] / 101 if no input to remove
S Examples:
GDEL 1 4 2 (Remove output 4 and input 2 from group 1.)
GDEL 1 101 5 (Remove input 5 from group 1.)
• Description: Sets the MatrixPRO's IP address
• Parameters:
I3 First set of IP numbers for Ipv4 (I3.I2.I1.I0); [0-255]
I2 Second set of IP numbers for Ipv4 (I3.I2.I1.I0); [0-255]
I1 Third set of IP numbers for Ipv4 (I3.I2.I1.I0); [0-255]
I0 Fourth set of IP numbers for Ipv4 (I3.I2.I1.I0); [0-255]
• Query: IPCONFIG? Returns the current IP address the MatrixPRO is set to in
the format:
S Example: IPCONFIG 192 168 0 141 (Set MatrixPRO IP address to
• Description: Gives status of input channel number's video status
• Parameters:
num Input number; [1 - 16]
Returns [1] for good video present
Returns [0] for bad or absent video signal.
S Example: ISTAT 1 Queries status input one. Returns 1 for good video