MatrixPRO-II DVI 16x16 Router
User’s Guide Rev. 04
7.2.10 Control lock command
▪ Locks and unlocks the controls such as Web, RS-232, TCP/IP and UDP.
▪ Requests open status of controls.
ASCII Description
WL Web control lock
WUL Web control unlock
DL Data control (UDP, TCP/IP, RS-232) lock
DUL Data control (UDP, TCP/IP, RS-232) unlock
KL Key control lock
KUL Key control unlock
Table 7-13: Locking type and its ASCII data
Command Description and reply
Locks data control.
Reply: LOCK=DL!
Request current status of control method.
Table 7-14: Control lock command examples
8 Firmware update
1. Using a Windows XP based PC, install the megaboot.exe program provided on a
2. Click ①, Open of ‘File to be programmed in the Flash’ to select directory and
file (hex. Format) to be uploaded.
You can run Megaboot.exe with Windows 7, as an Administrator.
Alternatively, you can run Megaboot.exe under Windows XP.