MatrixPRO-II DVI 16x16 Router
User’s Guide Rev. 04
7 Commands
The MATRIXPRO-II DVI 16x16 router can be operated with various interfaces such as key
button inputs, command input through RS-232 and TCP/IP, Web control through TCP/IP and
PC program through RS-232 and UDP. All functions are executed on a basis of a serial
command input, but the graphic interfaces on the Web or the PC program are more efficient
ways to operate the MATRIXPRO-II DVI 16x16 modular matrix.
Command input operation is accomplished through RS-232 or TCP/IP. For setting
procedures using those protocols, please refer to Chap 2 and Chap 3.
7.1 Command input structure
The command inputs are composed of a string of ASCII codes and its basic structure is;
Command + Delimiter (‘=’) + Data + Delimiter (‘^’ or ‘,’ or ‘_’) + Data + End (‘!’)
Table 6.1 shows all commands and its brief descriptions
LINK Input and Output connection
IN Input signal status request
OUT Output signal status request
NET Network information request
NETGW Gateway address setting
NETSN Subnet mask address setting
NETIP IP address setting
NETPA MAC address setting
NETPT UDP port number setting
VID Video generator status request
VIDRES Video generator resolution setting
VIDIMG Video generator pattern setting
MON Monitoring port setting and status request
EDID EDID mode setting
HDCP Enable/Disable HDCP
PRE Preset Saving and Loading
RS232 RS-232 Baud rate setting
LOCK Lock/Unlock the control type
Table 7-1: Commands set
▪ The command input allows executing only one command. Multiple command inputs
require executing multiple strings having each command per a string.
▪ User can use capital letters and lower case letters for commands but cannot mix
upper and lower case letters, like ‘Link’, it must either be as ‘link’ or ‘LINK’.