BaracodaPencil 2 – Communication Protocol v1.3 - 9 -
Data Capture
for Workforce
in Motion
2.3.2. Scanner messages
Scanner messagesScanner messages
Scanner messages
{(Bit 7: Upgrading) (Bit 1: Docked) (Bit 0: Charging)}
{Battery level, 0 to 100}
{Bit 0 = 0:real time, Bit 0 = 1: batch}
{(Bit 7: limited)}
“limited” means barcode buffer = 0 when in real time, no data loss mode and
{Bit 0 = 0: real time, Bit 0 = 1: batch}
If real time mode is set :
{(Bit 7: limited)(Bit 6: ACK beep) (Bit 5: no ACK beep)}
NOTE : the ACK beep enable / disable is only effective when Capture Frame Format is
“Baracoda + ACK”
{Bit 0: Success}
Batch mode is not available for D
{Number of minutes before shutdown when connected, 1 to 0xFE,
0xFF = infinity}
{Number of minutes before shutdown when disconnected, 1 to 0xFE,
0xFF = infinity}
{Number of minutes before shutdown when connected, 1 to 0xFE,
0xFF = infinity}