Chapter 4: Media server configuration
38 Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8400 Media Server February 2006
Using the Installation Wizard
Use the Avaya Installation Wizard (IW) to automatically:
● Configure the media server
● Configure the Maintenance Processor Complex
● Install the license file
Note: You can install the license file without being physically connected to the reference
SIPI. However, you have only 30 minutes before it checks the serial number on
the SIPI. To get another 30 minutes, you can restart the clock by restarting the
media server. In a SAT session, type reset system 1.
● Install the Avaya authentication files
● Install software updates
You can use the IW in two ways:
● You can import the data from the filled-out Electronic Preinstallation Worksheet (EPW).
When the IW prompts to import the Preinstallation Worksheet, click Import EPW and
browse to the location of the EPW file on your laptop. The IW will open the EPW and
upload the configuration data.
● You can type in the information manually using the filled-out EPW as a guide. The IW will
prompt you to enter the configuration data for each step in the Configure Server section.
To run the Avaya Installation Wizard:
1. Launch the Web browser.
2. Enter and press Enter to bring up the login Web page.
3. Log in as craft and use the initial craft password.
4. Click Launch Avaya Installation Wizard.
5. Follow the Wizard prompts, using Help on each page for more information.