About Processor Ethernet
Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8400 Media Server February 2006
About Processor Ethernet
Like a C-LAN board, Processor Ethernet provides connectivity to IP endpoints, gateways, and
adjuncts. The PE interface is a logical connection in the Communication Manager software that
uses a port on the NIC in the server. There is no additional hardware needed to implement PE.
Starting with release 3.1 of Communication Manager, the PE interface is enabled on theS8400
Media Server allowing enhanced flexibility for connectivity to gateways, endpoints, and
Table 5
lists the possible uses of the PE interface for an S8400.
Table 5: Use of the PE interface on the S8400 Media Server
Possible functions of
the PE interface
Status of the function
on the server
Administration needed
Registration The PE interface is
always enabled for
No. The use of the PE interface for
registration is enabled automatically by
the Communication Manager software.
H.248 gateway
H.248 gateway
registration is enabled by
default on the S8400
Media Server
The H.248 gateway enabled field on
the ip-interface procr form defaults to a
yes on an S8400 Media Server. You
can disable the H.248 registration by
changing the H.248 gateway enabled
field on the ip-interfaces procr form to a
H.323 endpoint
H.323 registration is
enabled by default on the
S8400 Media Server.
The H.323 endpoint enabled field on
the ip-interface procr form defaults to a
yes on an S8400 Media Server. You
can disable H.323 endpoint registration
by changing the H.323 enabled field on
the ip-interfaces procr form to a no.
Adjunct connectivity Connectivity of adjunct is
enabled by default on the
S8400 Media Server.
Yes. Adjuncts must be administered on
the S8400 Media Server.