Device Configuration
50 Avaya Integrated Management Release 4.0.1 Software Update Manager
Port Type The port type; optionally includes reference to the module to which it
is attached and port connector type.
Port Functionality The physical media type of the selected port. If the port conforms to
a certain standard (Repeater, Transceiver, 10BaseT, etc.), this
standard is displayed. If the port does not conform to any standard,
Private is displayed.
The administrative state of the selected port:
● Enabled - the port is enabled and can transmit and receive
● Disabled - the port is disabled and cannot transmit or receive
Tagging Mode The port’s operational mode regarding VLANs. The possible modes
● Transmits each outgoing packet in untagged format if it
belongs to the port’s VLAN. Otherwise, it discards the packet.
● VLAN tagging, per IEEE 802.1Q VLAN standard. The port will
transmit frames with a VLAN ID of 1 - 3071 for Avaya G250/
G350 Devices and 1 - 4090 for Avaya G450 Devices.
VLAN ID The VLAN number of the port.
Port Priority Level The priority level of packets exiting the port or ports on the module.
For effective transmission, multimedia packets must be received at
regular intervals. To ensure this, you can assign priorities to packets
coming out of a port.
Whenever traffic load is extreme and a port cannot accept all
incoming packets, packets sent from a port with the highest priority
will pass through first. However, a fairness mechanism will allow low
priority packets to eventually enter the bus.
Possible values are: User Priority 0...User Priority 7
Auto Negotiation
The configured state of the Auto-Negotiation protocol between two
stations. When enabled, Auto-Negotiation detects the highest
common denominator for communication between endstations, and
sets both to the same highest common setting. It also delivers
remote link status.
For 10BaseT and 100BaseT ports, Auto-Negotiation determines the
speed and Duplex Mode of communication between the endstations.
For Gigabit ports, Auto-Negotiation determines the Flow Control
setting of the ports.
For more information, refer to Auto-Negotiation in The Reference
Table 13: Port Configuration Dialog Box - General Tab (continued)
Field Description
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