Using the Table View
Issue 5 October 2007 263
Src Application Source Application. The source application protocol of the packets to
which this rule applies.
Select an application from the pull-down list.
Note: Specifying a source application disables the Fragment
Not Logical not. This enables all applications except for the application listed
in the following Dst Application field.
Dst Application Destination Application. The destination application protocol of the
packets to which this rule applies.
Select an application from the pull-down list.
Note: Specifying a destination application disables the
Fragment checkbox.
Not Logical not. This enables all ICMP codes and types except for the ICMP
codes and types listed in the following ICMP code/type field.
ICMP code/type ICMP code or type. Relevant when ICMP protocol is selected in the
Protocol field.
Next-Hop The policy to apply to the packet - either a specified Next-Hop list or
Destination Based Routing.
Possible values are:
● NH1 - Next-Hop list 1
● NH2 - Next-Hop list 2
● .....
● NH20 - Next-Hop list 20
● DBR - Destination Based Routing
Validity The validity of the rule. Possible values are:
● Applicable - The rule is valid and can be applied to packets.
● Best Effort - The rule may or may not be applied to packets.
● Not Applicable - The rule contains invalid values or conflicts
with other rules.
● Unknown - The rule status is unknown. The rule status is
unknown if changes have been made but not applied.
Table 94: Policy Based Routing Rules List Fields (continued)
Field Description
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