Hardware Configuration Guidelines
Ensuring Proper Environmental Conditions
You should consider the following environmental guidelines for all hardware configuration:
• Place all components in an air-conditioned environment. All hardware components generate
heat and must be kept cool. See “
Power and Air Conditioning Requirements” on page 5.
• Make sure the rack on which hardware components are mounted is open or well ventilated.
Follow the ventilation specifications that apply to your system. See “
Rack Mount
Requirements” on page 6.
• Keep all hardware components in a clean, dust-free location.
• Minimize vibration and humidity.
• Do not block the vents on the component housing.
• Do not drape anything, such as a jacket or a blanket, over hardware components.
• Minimize electromagnetic noise by separating digital data and power cables from analog
audio cables and running them in different cable ducts.
Power and Air Conditioning Requirements
The values for power consumption and heat output were recorded on an Autodesk certified
system with all of the required peripheral and certified components.
These values can fluctuate if uncertified hardware components or third party applications
are added to your system. The use of uncertified hardware components or third party applications
is not supported. Please consult the manufacturer’s documentation for standardized minimum
and maximum values.
The following table summarizes the peak (at startup) power consumed by the HP xw9400
system and the heat it generates under the maximum processing load produced by your Effects
or Editing application. For detailed specifications, including noise output, see the
documentation provided by the manufacturer.
You must be able to meet the startup power requirement and have a climate control system with
the capacity to maintain the temperature of this component under the maximum processing
load. Refer to the following table for standard conversion benchmarks and an example of how
they are used to establish climate control requirements.
Component Quantity Startup Amps
(120V / 240V)
Max. Amps
(120V / 240V)
Watts Heat
HP xw9400 1 3.5 / 1.8 3.0 / 1.5 360 1228.68