Diagnostics Operations Establishing Vehicle Communication
Pairing Up via Bluetooth
Among all methods, Bluetooth pairing is recommended as the first choice for
the communication between the MaxiSys display tablet and the VCI device.
The working range for Bluetooth communication is about 755 feet (230 m); this
means you can perform vehicle diagnosis freely around the workshop with
greater convenience.
If you use more than one VCI device to connect to the test vehicles when
customers are many, you can perform vehicle diagnosis on various vehicles
conveniently, by pairing the MaxiSys display tablet separately to each of the
VCI devices connected to the different test vehicles, via Bluetooth, without the
need to repeat the plugging and unplugging procedure, which is unavoidable
through traditional wired connection, thus saves you more time and provides
more efficiency.
To pair up the MaxiSys display tablet with the VCI device via
1. If not already done, power up the MaxiSys display tablet.
2. Select the VCI Manager application from the MaxiSys Job Menu.
3. When the VCI Manager application is opened, the device
automatically starts scanning for available VCI devices around for
Bluetooth pairing. The found devices are listed in the Setting
section on the right side of the screen.
NOTE: If no VCI device is found, this may indicate that the signal strength
of the transmitter is too weak to be detected. In this case try to get closer
to the device, or reposition the VCI device, and remove all possible
objects that causes signal interference. When these are done, tap the
Scan button at the top right corner to start searching again.
4. Depending on the VCI type you use, the device name may display
as Maxi suffixed with a serial number. Select the required device for
5. When paring is successfully done, the connection status displayed
to the right of the device name is shown as Paired.
6. Wait for a few seconds, and the VCI button on the system
Navigation bar at the bottom of the screen shall display a green tick
icon, indicating the display tablet is connected to the VCI device,
and is ready to perform vehicle diagnosis.
Refer to 10.1 Bluetooth Pairing on page 91 for additional information.