Set up Voicemail and Additional Phones
Voicemail is included with your service. Dial “1” to set up and
access. If you choose to use an answering machine instead, set it
to fewer than 5 rings.
To place phones throughout your home, use a cordless phone
system with multiple handsets. Wall jacks are not used with
Wireless Home Phone.
Useful Tips
• Transferring a phone number can take up to ve (5) days. During
that time, you can make calls immediately on your Wireless Home
Phone base. However, you must keep a phone plugged into your
wall jack to receive calls on your old service until your transfer
completes. Check transfer status at www.att.com/port.
See page 12 for details on transferring a landline phone number.
• The “Phone 2” port can be used to connect an additional phone or
stand-alone answering machine. It uses the same phone number
as the “Phone 1” port.
10 Getting Started 11Getting Started
• Your AT&T Wireless Home Phone base does not support incoming
or outgoing fax service.
• Your AT&T Wireless Home Phone base does not support rotary or
pulse-dialing phones.
Your Wireless Home Phone base comes with standard wireless
voicemail. Follow the steps below to set up and use your voicemail.
Dial 1 on any home phone connected to the Wireless Home Phone
base and wait four (4) seconds to connect to your AT&T wireless
voicemail. Simply follow the voice prompts to complete setup. To
enable remote voicemail retrieval and for added security be sure to
create a password during setup.
For more help on setting up your AT&T voicemail, go to att.com/
Message Waiting
There are two indicators for a new message waiting: 1) the voicemail
icon; and 2) an intermittent dial tone.
The voicemail icon on your Wireless Home Phone base flashes
when a voicemail message is waiting. You will also hear an intermittent
dial tone on any connected phone handset before placing a call.