
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of phone do I need to work with the Wireless Home
Phone base?
Most standard touch-tone phones may be used. Rotary phones are
not supported. Cordless phone systems provide the most flexibility
and allow you to easily place additional handsets throughout your
home. Cordless phone systems still need to be plugged into a power
During a power outage, a standard corded phone which doesn’t
require electrical power is needed.
How do I install my Wireless Home Phone base?
Refer to pages 5-11 of this guide for the most common installation
methods. Other helpful information:
•   Installation near a window or outside wall is strongly recommended 
to ensure the strongest possible wireless signal in order to maximize
voice quality.
•   If your voice quality is unacceptable, your device may not have 
sufficient signal strength (green bars). You may need to relocate the
device to another area of your home with a stronger wireless signal.
Will my Wireless Home Phone base work in areas with no or low
wireless signal strength?
A strong wireless signal (three to five green bars) is recommended for
optimal performance. A moderate signal (one to two green bars) may
be sufficient. If you do not see three to five green bars, you may want
to choose an alternate location.
Does the Wireless Home Phone base support data or text
No, only voice services are supported.
Why don’t I see the name of the caller on Caller ID?
The Wireless Home Phone base, similar to other wireless devices,
supports calling number identification.
However, contact names stored on your cordless home phone may
display for incoming calls.
Do I need broadband Internet service for the Wireless Home
Phone base to work?
No, the service is provided through the AT&T wireless network.
Can I move my Wireless Home Phone base and use it in another
Yes, your device can be moved to another location in the U.S. If
your device is used while on other carrier networks, AT&T’s off-net
usage restrictions may apply. Please see section 4.5 of your Wireless
Customer Agreement for details.
When I dial a seven-digit number using the Wireless Home Phone
base, I get a message that the number cannot be completed as
dialed. Does the Wireless Home Phone base support seven-digit
The Wireless Home Phone base requires 10-digit dialing for domestic
calls in most areas.
20 Frequently Asked Questions 21Frequently Asked Questions