SYMPTOM: You can't place outside calls (continued).
Possible Cause 6: Faulty telephone company wiring.
Do This
At the control unit location,
The trouble appears on the
Go to Possible Cause 7.
find the network interface
basic telephone and the
associated with the outside
network interface uses a line
line from which you cannot
make a call. Unplug the
line cord from the network
The trouble appears on the Your outside line is faulty.
interface and, in its place,
basic telephone, and the Report the trouble to your
plug in a basic Touch-Tone
network interface does not local telephone company
or rotary telephone. (Do not have a line adapter representative.
use a MERLIN system
voice terminal.) Try to
place an outside call
from the telephone.
Possible Cause 7: Faulty network interface line adapter.
Do This
Replace the network
interface line adapter with
another one. Plug the basic
telephone into each of the
jacks, and try to place an
outside call.
The trouble still appears on
the basic telephone
The trouble does not appear
on the basic telephone
Your outside lines are faulty.
Report the trouble to your
local telephone company
The old line adapter is
faultry. Replace it with a
new line adapter.
Troubleshooting Procedures 7-3