To assign System Speed Dial codes to frequently dialed telephone numbers:
Enter administration mode by sliding the T/P switch to P and touching
Dial the code (#60 to #99) that you are assigning to the telephone number.
Dial one of the following codes:
– Dial *90 to assign the Speed Dial code.
For example, if you want the speed dial number to have the same
restrictions as the actual telephone number, that is, call or toll
restrictions still apply with this number, dial the System Speed Dial 3-
character code (such as #67), *90, and then the telephone number.
Dial *92 to assign the Speed Dial code with Restriction override.
For example, if you want to assign a System Speed Dial code to a
telephone number that anyone in the system can dial, regardless of any
previously placed restrictions, dial the System Speed Dial 3-character
code (such as #67), *92, and then the telephone number.
4 Dial the telephone number. (If you want the number to be private, that is,
have the System Speed Dial number printed on the call report or System
Feature reports instead of the actual number, dial a * before the telephone
For example, for a private number with Restriction Override, dial a System
Speed Dial 3-character code (such as #67), *92, and a telephone number
with a * before it, such as *1-617-567-1234.
Touch Administer.
The console beeps twice.
Repeat the last four steps for each telephone number to which you are
assigning a System Speed Dial code.
Leave administration mode by sliding the T/P switch to the center position.
To program a button for a System Speed Dial code assigned to a telephone
Label the button with a name and/or a number.
Slide the T/P switch to P.
The voice terminal rings every 5 seconds to remind you that you are programming and that you
cannot place or receive calls.
Touch the button you want to program.
Dial *95 plus a System Speed Dial # code number from 60 through 99 that
your administrator can give you (you do not need to include the #).
Slide the T/P switch to the center position.
Section 5: Reference