ADMINISTER SPLITS To administer splits, press the function key for the activity you want to
[ F1 ] Add Agent. Use this function key to assign an agent to a split. The
agent must already be listed on the Agent Directory screen. A split may have
up to 28 agents.
Pos # : Split #:
1 Enter an agent ID.
2 Enter a position number (a MERLIN II system default intercom
number), 10 through 69.
NOTES: If administered, attendant numbers are 10, 14, 18, 22,
26, 30, 34, and 38. Two of these have been connected to the
PC; and another will be used by the console during CMS
administration as the CMS administration port.
Most likely, there are other circuit pack modules in the control
unit, such as the 008D (digital circuit pack) or the 012 (basic
voice terminal circuit pack). These circuit packs reduce the
number of attendant ports available for CMS.
The most probable MERLIN II system configuration would
allow for the following:
The attendant port for the MERLIN II system administrator
would be port number 10;
The attendant port for the CMS administrator would be
port number 14;
The attendant ports for CU1 and CU2 would be port
numbers 18 and 22.
Subsequent analog modules would allow for additional
attendant ports to be administered.
3 Enter a split number (1 through 6).
4 Press
[ F8 ] (labeled “Enter Data”) to save your data and return
you to the Configure Splits screen.
HINT: Press
[ F8 ] (labeled “Agent Directry” ) again to return to the
Agent Directory if you need to refer to or change agent
information. Press
[ F7 ] (labeled “ Config Splits” ) on the Agent
Directory screen to return to the Configure Splits screen.
[ F2 ]
Remove Agent.
Use this function key to remove an agent from a split.
(The agent entry will still be listed on the Agent Directory screen.)
Enter an agent ID and press
[ F8 ] (labeled “Enter Data”).
You are prompted to enter Y or N to confirm your request.
4-10 Building or Editing Shift Configurations