CMS Reports
This section explains the terms used to identify data in
generated from the Report Menu:
The Daily Agent Split Summary Report shows data
an entire day (midnight to midnight).
the CMS reports
The Cumulative Agent Split Summary Report shows data averaged/totaled
over a specified number of days ranging from 2 to 93 days.
The Daily Split Report and the Daily Line Group Report show data on an
hour-by-hour basis.
The Cumulative Split Report and the Cumulative Line Group Report show
data on either a day-by-day or an hour-by-hour basis, depending on the
method of tabulation chosen.
The Events Log, which can also be printed from the Report Menu, lists the 50
most recent exceptions and system messages.
The information in this report
may span several days or part of one day.
Daily Agent Split Summary
This report provides daily summary data on each agent in a given split.
NOTE: If one or more agents serve in more than one split during a
data collection period, be sure to provide a different ID for each agent
for each split assignment. This ensures the accuracy of the data for
each split; data from the hour
credited to the
split he or she
agent’s name:
first name (up
in which the agent switched splits is
is in at the end of the data collection
last name (up to 12 characters)
to 8 characters).
number of completed calls the agent serviced
while logged into this split. The total includes
intraflowed calls serviced by the agent. The Num
ACD Calls should be identical to that shown in
the Daily Split Report.
ACD CALLS The average amount of time
Avg Talk Time seconds) the agent spent on
(in minutes and
each ACD call. The
total includes intraflowed calls serviced by the
agent, (The figure in the totals line under this
column should be identical to the Avg Talk Time
total in the Daily Split Report.)
CMS Reports G-15