To send present call to
Press [
[dial tone]
another extension or
Present call put on hold and you are given a new call
outside number
Note: See your System
Dial extension or number to which the call is to be
Manager to determine
[ringback tone]
if you can transfer a
Remain on the line and announce call if desired; if no
call to an outside
answer or number dialed is busy, return to held call
by pressing its call appearance
Press [
Transfer ] again
Call is sent to dialed extension or number
Hang up or press [
Drop ]
Display Features
The display is on when the telephone is on and off when the telephone is off.
Note: You may not have all of the Display Features listed below.
Normal Mode
In the normal mode, the display shows call information for the current active call
You may have as many as 10 call appearances. Beginning with the first button in
the upper left corner of your faceplate and going down, the display identifies the
first 5 buttons as a through e; the 5 buttons in the second column are identified as f
through j. When the display shows [
a= ], it represents call information for the
first call appearance. The next button down would be shown as [
b= ], and so on,
continuing through [
j= ] if all 10 of these buttons are used for call appearances.
When you dial an extension, that number is shown and then replaced by the called
party’s name and extension.