ASAI Administration
The “STATUS” field indicates whether the domain is ready to receive call informa-
tion. The domain STATUS can be one of the following. Refer to Appendix D,
“Troubleshooting ASAI” for additional information.
■ broken (broken) — A virtual channel could not be allocated for the service
assigned to this domain.
■ foos (facility out of service) — The ASAI digital link is not operating.
■ initing (initializing) — The service assigned to the domain is failing initializa-
■ inserv (in service) — The domain is ready to receive call information from
the switch.
■ manoos (manual out of service) —The domain has not been placed into
■ netoos (network out of service) — The ASAI link is up, but attempts to
receive call information from the switch are failing.
The Domain Administration screen with the standard function keys is displayed in
Figure 4-9. Note that you need to use CHG-KEYS to switch the function key dis-
play from the standard to the screen-specific set of commands, or vice versa. The
screen-specific function keys in the Domain Administration screen perform the fol-
lowing functions:
■ ADD — Add a domain entry. Refer to Figure 4-10 and accompanying text
for additional information.
■ CHANGE — Change a domain entry. The domain must be disabled before
it can be changed. Refer to Figure 4-11 and accompanying text for addi-
tional information.
■ REMOVE — Remove a domain entry. The domain must be disabled
before it can be removed.
■ ENABLE — Place domain into service. When enabled, the domain is mon-
itored and the VIS receives events for the domain. If the enable request is
successful, the domain status becomes inserv. The domain must be dis-
abled before it can be enabled.
■ DISABLE — Take domain out of service. If the disable request is success-
ful, the domain status becomes manoos.
Press CANCEL to return to the ASAI Administration screen (Figure 4-3). Once the
T/R or LST1 channels are administered and logged in, no manual intervention is
required to log the channels back in during recovery (for example, switch or VIS
reboot) or on restarting the voice system.