ASAI Administration
The Channel Administration screen contains the following fields:
■ The “CHANNEL” field indicates the T/R or LST1 channel number on the
■ The “EXTENSION” field indicates the Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
extension number assigned for the channel.
■ The “LOGIN” field indicates whether or not the channel is intended to be
logged in to the ACD split. This field can be either YES or NO. If the chan-
nel is not logged in, the ACD does not deliver any calls to it.
■ The “STATUS” field indicates the channel status. The status can be either
broken, foos, hwoos, logout, manoos, netoos, nonex, or LOGIN. LOGIN
status indicates that the T/R or LST1 channel is ready to receive calls from
the ACD.
The following is a list of the various channel states. Refer to Appendix D, “Trou-
bleshooting ASAI” for additional information on channel states:
■ broken (broken) — Possible malfunction detected on line
■ foos (facility out of service) — The line is not functional
■ hwoos (hardware out of service) — Channel cannot be logged in because
ASAI digital link is not operating
■ logout (logged out) — Channel has not been administered to be logged in
■ manoos (manual out of service) — Channel has not been placed into ser-
■ netoos (network out of service) — ASAI link is up, but attempts to log in the
channel are failing
■ nonex (nonexistent) — Channel does not exist
■ LOGIN — Channel is ready to receive calls from the ACD