System Administration
Add Client Link
Brouter Administration
Client Name or IP Address
Client Link
Add Client
This screen is used to add client links. When you add a client link, after you
press the
function key, the previous screen (Brouter Administration) will
appear with the cursor at the beginning of the new entry.
This screen is protected against multiple users making simultaneous changes as
follows: If a user presses
, the system checks whether the information
that was displayed upon entry to this screen has changed. If it has, the data is
not entered and the user is apprised of the problem and exited from the screen.
Field Name Description
Port Port number used on the DEFINITY switch. Valid range is 1 to 12.
Each port can only be assigned once.
Client Name
or IP
Host name or IP address of the client machine authorized to
connect to this port. (Network name of the adjunct.) Must be
resolvable by the domain name server or the local host table, or
be an IP address. Maximum field size = 20 characters.
Issue 1 January 1996 3-33