System Administration
Message Collection Period
Port Status/Control
This line is used to provide abbreviated help on the currently selected field.
Message Collection Period
Period: ___
Port: xx Client: yy Link: zz
Screen 3-27. Message Collection Period
This screen enables you to set the message collection period for a port. When the screen
is first displayed, a port number (1 to 12) replaces xx in the Port field, the client’s name
or IP address replaces yy in the Client field, and the client’s link replaces zz in the
Link field. The port number comes from the previous screen (whatever port the cursor
was on).
After you enter a value for Period on this screen and press the
function key, the
previous screen reappears with the cursor positioned at the beginning of the new entry.
Remember that changing the collection period clears the traffic counts (Messages to
DEFINITY and Messages from DEFINITY) on the Port Status/Control screen.
Issue 1 January 1996 3-53