
Unique Line Ringing (#118)
This option applies only to PARTNER-model phones.
This system option lets you change the way outside calls ring at PARTNER-
model phones. Normally, outside calls on all lines use the same ringing pattern.
When Unique Line Ringing is Active, each line at a PARTNER-model phone will
ring with a unique ringing pattern for all incoming outside calls. This helps users
to identify the line on which a call is ringing.
For each line, the unique ringing pattern for incoming outside calls is as
Line 1 uses the factory set ringing pattern described in Chapter 3.
Line 2 uses an ascending tone with dip.
Line 3 uses a descending tone.
Line 4 uses a mixed tone.
Outside calls transferred to the extension will ring with the appropriate ring
pattern followed by two beeps.
If multiple outside calls are ringing at the extension, the user hears the
ringing pattern for the call that arrived first. After that call is answered, the
user hears the ringing pattern for the call that arrived next.
This feature is not associated with local telephone company features such
as “distinctive ring” or CLASS distinctive ring services.
MDC 9000, MDW 9000, and standard phones always ring with the
factory-set ringing patterns described in Chapter 3.
Valid Entries
1 =
2 =
Not Active
5-44 Unique Line Ringing (#118)