How TV Display Cannot Be Used 43
7 Click the Advanced tab.
8 In the Composite Sharpness box, select a value from the list.
9 Click OK or Apply to save the changes you have made.
Note: Composite Sharpness is not available if your TV is connected
via an S-Video input.
Note: If your TV has both Composite and S-Video connectors, use
S-Video (since if provides a sharper image than composite). If you
connect both Composite and S-Video at the same time, only the S-
Video signal will be available.
Adjust the S-Video sharpness of your TV display
1 Click Start, point to Control Panel.
2 If your Control Panel is in Category View:
Select Appearance and Themes, then click Display icon.
If your Control Panel is in Classic View:
Double-click Display.
3 Click the Advanced button.
4 Click the Displays tab.
5 Click the TV button.
Your TV must be enabled before you can change its display
6 Click the Advanced tab.
7 In the S-Video Sharpness box, select a value from the list.
8 Click OK or Apply to save the changes you have made.
Adjust the composite dot crawl on your TV Display
1 Click Start, point to Control Panel.
2 If your Control Panel is in Category View:
3 Select Appearance and Themes, then click Display icon.
If your Control Panel is in Classic View:
Double-click Display.
4 Click the Advanced button.