16 ATI Color Tab
To assign color settings hotkeys for full screen 3D
1 Select a modifier key from the Modifier Key list.
2 Select a hotkey from the Hotkey list.
3 Select the action you want from the Hotkey Action list.
4 Click Add to create the hotkey combination. This combination will
appear in the Assigned Hotkeys text box. Only one hotkey
combination can be assigned to each action; if you assign a new
combination for an action, it will overwrite an existing one.
Note: When assigning hotkeys, be careful that the key combinations
you choose do not conflict with those of other applications in which
you might want to use them. The ATI Color properties page only
checks for duplications within the Color page itself, insofar as it
allows a hotkey combination to be assigned only once.
To remove assigned hotkeys
1 Select a hotkey combination from the Assigned Hotkey text box.
2 Click Remove.
Note: Assigning a new combination to an action with an existing
combination will overwrite the existing one.
Hotkey In combination with the Modifier key, specifies the hotkey
combination that triggers an action. Hotkey can be any
key listed. To avoid conflicts, be aware of any hotkeys or
keyboard controls that may already be assigned to your
applications and 3D games.
Hotkey action Specifies the action that the assigned hotkey
combinations will control within a full screen 3D
application environment. You can only assign one hotkey
combination to each action.
Lists the assigned hotkey combinations and the actions
that each one controls.
Add button Adds a hotkey combination to the assigned list.
Remove button Removes a hotkey combination from the assigned list.
Disable hotkeys
Disables all hotkeys. To disable a single hotkey
combination, remove it from the assigned list.
Color Hotkey Settings