Help Via the Internet
Up-to-the-minute technical information about Atari products is generally available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week via the Internet at:
Through this site you’ll have access to our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) documents, our
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) area where you can download patches if needed, our Hints/Cheat
if they’re available, and an Email area where you can get help and ask questions if you
do not find your answers within the
Note: In the event we must send you a Hint Sheet, FAQ document, patch or update disc via
Email, we may require verifiable consent from a parent or guardian in order to protect chil-
dren’s privacy and safety online. Consent Forms are available at the web site listed above.
Help Via Telephone in the United States & Canada
For phone assistance, call Atari Technical Support at (425) 951-7108. Our Interactive Voice
system is generally available 24/7, providing automated support solutions
Great News! We’ve improved our Automated Systems so that you can get product-specific
Troubleshooting help more quickly.All you need to do is enter the product’s
Part # when
prompted to do so.This will take you directly to all of our known issues and solutions for this
title.The product’s
Part # is located in several places (on the CD label, package and/or plastic
disc case) and is usually identified by a number such as
04-12345.When prompted by the
Automated System, enter the
last five digits of your product’s Part #. (For example, Part #
04-12345 would require that you enter the “12345” portion of the number for that product.)
Note: Some products simply feature a five-digit Part # without an “04-” prefix.
To get the most out of your new game, visit us at:
If you would like to chat with other gamers, as well as developers, visit our Community Forum
area at:
Kids, check with your parent or guardian before visiting any web site.
Chat Messages: Atari does not monitor,control, endorse, or accept responsibility for the content of chat
messages. You are strongly encouraged not to give out identity or other personal information through chat
message transmissions. Kids, check with your parent or guardian if you are concerned about any chat you
Use of Atari web sites is subject to terms and conditions, which you can access at: