Manage Excessive Speed
Don’t forget to use brakes when necessary to control speed.
Use Special Track Sections
Special track pieces like loops and corkscrews add excitement.
Add Camera Triggers to the Most Exciting Points in your Ride
Pictures of your peep group on the ride will be saved to the game directory.
Auto Complete
When your coaster is nearly complete, click on Auto Complete to finish it off.When you click the
Auto Complete button, you’ll notice the game draws the track on the screen as it calculates the last
few tracks. If you notice this taking too long, click on the Auto Complete button again to interrupt
the Auto Complete process and return to editing your track manually. If the Auto Complete button
finds a solution, it will draw the solution with highlighted track pieces. If you are satisfied with the
solution, click on the Auto Complete button again to confirm. If you don’t want the offered solution,
just click on the Delete Track Piece button next to the Auto Complete button.
Think Theme
When the last track piece has been laid, choose an entrance and exit that matches the nearby
scenery theme.
Te s t
Activate the Test setting to generate a test results report. Most peeps will not ride an
untested coaster.
Ta ke it for a spin
Ride the ride to see what your peeps will experience.
After you finish coaster construction (or the contruction of any other powered ride), you should give
it a test run. Most peeps will not ride your coaster until the test results have been completed. After
your rides have completed a test run, peeps who prefer that ride’s excitement, nausea and intensity
settings will be drawn to it.
The Track-Building Interface
The track-building interface colors the track pieces that you can add in yellow, unavailable track
pieces are shown as white with a slightly visible outline. Specialty pieces appear in the right portion
of the toolbox only when they may be added, and this may change depending on what piece you
just placed.
Adding tracks works like this:
1. Click to select a new track piece
2. Click it again to add it
3. Click the same icon again to add another.
When you want to add a different track piece, click to select it, click again to add it, click the same
icon again to add another,and so on.
John Wardley:Testing
How is a new ride tested once it’s constructed?
What considerations are made before it can be
opened to the public?
Once erected, the ride will be tested first component by component (running the motors and
chain lifts, operating the brakes, checking the control systems etc.). Once the track gauge and
clearance envelope has been checked, a train will be run round the track, normally containing a
load to simulate the weight of the passengers (we used to use sandbags, but now we use special
water-filled dummies). Once this has gone round the track, accelerometers and other
measuring devices are attached to the train and structure, whilst the ride is run many
hundreds of laps with a heavily overloaded payload.All sorts of situations are then simulated
to prove the safety systems before the ride can be given its certificate and opened to the public.
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