User Interface Overview
3.2.3 Settings screen
Selectable items: use the LEFT and RIGHT keys to change the
parameter value. The new value is immediately taken into
account so there is no need to press OK. Click on ESC when
Check boxes: each checkbox corresponds to a different
parameter value but only one parameter can be selected at a
time. Use the UP and DOWN keys to highlight an item and then
press OK to validate it. Click on ESC when done.
Actions: in the settings screens you sometimes need to perform
some actions. Actions are shown enclosed with [ ]. Press OK to
start the action.
3.2.4 Contextual Menus
When the menu icon is present on the top-left corner of the
screen you can press the MENU button to display a popup menu
with actions related to the current mode. Pressing MENU again
or ESC closes it.
Use the UP and DOWN keys to highlight the action you want to
start and then press OK to validate it.
3.2.5 Message boxes
From time to time a message box is displayed on the screen. This
may be a warning or an error message, or a question to confi rm
an action.
Message boxes may have up to 3 buttons (for instance yes, no
and cancel). If there is more than one button use the left and
right keys to highlight the button you want. In all cases press OK
to validate your choice which will then exit the message box.
3.2.6 Using the Virtual Keyboard
It is recommended that you create folders and rename fi les or folders from your
computer when it is connected to the Gmini. The computer keyboard is easier to use.
Often times, however, you are not near your computer and you would like to enter the
text directly with the Gmini. For this, you will use the virtual keyboard. You will be taken to
this screen when you rename a fi le or folder or when you name a recording.
Contextual Menu
Current text being typed
Toggle between uppercase and
lowercase characters*
Back Space*
Clear the entire line*
* these items can also be found in the contextual menu
You will use the LEFT, RIGHT, UP and DOWN buttons to move around the keyboard. Click on OK/PLAY to enter the
character that is highlighted. Once satisfi ed with your text entry, click on the MENU button and select Enter.
Tip: use the ESC key to cancel any changes you made and exit the virtual keyboard.
3.2.7 Locking the Gmini Buttons
You can prevent the Gmini from executing unintended functions
by locking the buttons. To lock the buttons, hold down on the
MENU key until the “lock” icon appears in the top-left corner of
the screen. Now all buttons except the MENU key are disabled.
To unlock the buttons hold down again on the Menu key until the
“lock” icon disappears.
User Interface Overview