contents of the ARCLibrary. You update the Gmini’s ARCLibrary by fi rst connecting it to
your computer, and then secondly, running the program MusicMatch™ and selecting
View > Portable Device Manager. This will open up the Portable Device Manager (PDM)
Window. MusicMatch™ will see if a portable device (the Gmini) is connected, and then
look at all the music fi les on the Gmini’s hard drive, read their tags, and then refresh
the Gmini’s ARCLibrary. A message “Activating portable device” indicates that your
computer is in the process of refreshing the ARCLibrary. This message will stop when it
has fi nished rewriting the ARCLibrary on your Gmini. You can now close the PDM window
and the MusicMatch™ program. Properly disconnect your Gmini (use the green arrow
icon). Now when you use the ARCLibrary (by clicking on the Music icon -- don’t forget
also that ARCLibrary must be set to On in the system settings), you will see that your new
songs have been indexed and can be found by Artist, Album, Title, or Genre. Be patient
when letting MusicMatch™ update your ARCLibrary, it can take as long as 3 minutes per
gigabyte of music fi les.
6.4.2 Creating and Using Playlists with MusicMatch™
You can use the included MusicMatch™
program to create Playlists that you can
then save to your Gmini. ATTENTION: before
creating a Playlist, make sure you are
choosing mp3 fi les from your Gmini and
not mp3 music fi les from your computer’s
hard disk! If you created your Playlists from MP3 fi les that are on the Gmini, then you
can simply transfer these Playlists to the Playlist folder on the Gmini. That is, the Gmini
must have been connected to the computer and the fi les in your Playlist must be fi les
that are on the Gmini’s hard drive already. If you copy a Playlist which requests MP3
fi les from your computer’s hard drive, C: for example, then the Gmini naturally will not
have that fi le locally on its hard drive to play. Connect your Gmini to your computer
and make your Playlists from fi les on the Gmini with MusicMatch™. Save your Playlist in
MusicMatch™. Next, copy (or drag and drop) the .m3u Playlist fi le to your Gmini using
Windows™ Explorer. You will fi nd all your MusicMatch™ saved Playlists in the directory
C:\Program Files\MUSICMATCH\MUSICMATCH Jukebox\Playlist\Default\
Copy the desired Playlist or Playlists from this directory to the Playlists folder on your
Gmini. You can now use the browser on your Gmini to go into the Playlists folder and
select a Playlist.
The easiest way to transfer music fi les between a Macintosh
computer and
your Gmini is to use the Macintosh Finder™ to drag and drop the fi les to and
from your Macintosh
However, for Macintosh users who do want to use the Gmini with iTunes™, ARCHOS has
developed a special i-Tunes
plug-in. You will fi nd it on the included CD-ROM in a folder
called iTunes plug-in. In this folder you will fi nd a plug-in for Mac OS 9.x and another
folder for Mac OS 10.x. You will also fi nd a JPEG image illustrating where you need to
copy the plug-in to. Once this is done, iTunes™ will recognize the Gmini as a ‘Device’.
To make your user experience simpler, please keep in mind the following.
1) When you create your Playlists with iTunes
(you can only create Playlists from songs
that have been copied to your Gmini ), your Macintosh
will save these Playlists to the
root directory of your Gmini. It will not save them to the Gmini Playlists directory. It would
be best to use the Gmini itself to make Playlists (section 4.1.3) and then save these
Playlists in your Playlists folder.
2) When you drag and drop MP3 fi les from your iTunes™ library to your Gmini, the
program will look at the ID3 tag information (See section 6.4.1 of this manual
for an explanation of ID3 tags) of the MP3 fi le, and create a folder on the root of your
Gmini using the name of the Artist as the folder name. Then it will take the Album name
ID3 tag, and create a subfolder with that album as its name. Finally, it will take the MP3
song itself and place it into that album subfolder. Thus, although it is a clean structure of
Artist/Album/Song, i-Tunes
does not follow the Gmini convention of placing the music
into the Music folder fi rst.
3) i-Tunes
does not write to the ARCLibrary when it transfers fi les to your Gmini. Thus, the
ARCLibrary will not refl ect the true number of songs on your Gmini. However you can still
fi nd and play your music via the Music Browser.
Using iTunes
4 with your Gmini
Using iTunes
4 with your Gmini
Using MusicMatch™