Chapter 7 Applications 80
Viewing Stock Quotes
When you tap Stocks from the Home screen, the stock reader shows updated quotes
for all your stocks. Quotes are updated every time you open Stocks while connected to
the Internet. Quotes may be delayed by up to 20 minutes.
Add a stock, index, or fund to the stock reader
1 Tap , then tap .
2 Enter a symbol, company name, index, or fund name, then tap Search.
3 Choose an item in the search list.
Delete a stock
Tap and tap next to a stock, then tap Delete.
Reorder stocks
Tap . Then drag next to a stock to a new place in the list.
Switch between showing percentage change and change in monetary value
m Tap the number showing the change. Tap it again to switch back.
You can also tap and tap % or Numbers.
Show a stock’s progress over a longer or shorter time period
m Tap a stock symbol, then tap 1d, 1w, 1m, 3m, 6m, 1y, or 2y. The chart adjusts to show
progress over one day, one week, one, three, or six months, or one or two years.
See information about a stock at Yahoo.com
m Tap .
You can see news, information, websites related to the stock, and more.