Chapter 6 iPod 63
Viewing All Tracks on an Album
See all the tracks on the album that contains the current song
From the Now Playing screen tap . Tap a track to play it. Tap the album cover
thumbnail to return to the Now Playing screen.
In track list view, you can assign ratings to songs. You can use ratings to create
smart playlists in iTunes that dynamically update to show, for example, your highest
rated songs.
Rate a song
Drag your thumb across the ratings bar to give the song zero to five stars.
Making Playlists Directly on iPhone
Make an on-the-go playlist
1 Tap Playlists and tap On-The-Go.
2 Browse for songs using the buttons at the bottom of the screen. Tap any song or video
to add it to the playlist. Tap Add All Songs at the top of any list of songs to add all the
songs in the list.
3 When you finish, tap Done.
When you make an on-the-go playlist and then sync iPhone to your computer, the
playlist is saved on iPhone and in your iTunes library, then deleted from iPhone. The
first is saved as “On-The-Go 1,” the second as “On-The-Go 2,” and so on. To get a playlist
back on iPhone, select iPhone in the iTunes source list, click the Music tab, and set the
playlist to sync.
Edit an on-the-go playlist
Tap Playlists, tap On-The-Go, tap Edit, then do one of the following:
 To delete a song from the playlist, tap next to a song, then tap Delete. Deleting a
song from the on-the-go playlist doesn’t delete it from iPhone.
 To clear the entire playlist, tap Clear Playlist.
 To move a song higher or lower in the list, drag next to the song.
 To add more songs, tap .
Track List view
Rating bar
Back to Now
Playing screen
Album tracks