4. Turn the LARGE knob to Position. Turn the SMALL
knob to choose the position information. If you
selected the US Grid type, choose the desired
sectional name with the
SMALL knob or the POS
smart key. See the following Sectional Aeronautical
Chart Grids table for the location nearest you
For the Basic Grid type, select the Position
quadrant (NW, SW, NE, or SE) with the
knob or the POS smart key. Quadrant lines are
defined by the Equator, Prime Meridian, and the
International Date Line. For example, the
continental U.S. Would be in the NW quadrant,
Denmark would be in the NE quadrant, Buenos
Aires, Argentina is in the SW quadrant, and
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is in the SE quadrant.
Sar Map :On
Grid Type:Basic
Position :NW
3. Press
4. Now, turn the
LARGE knob ccw to the SAR Map
Moving Map Functions