Arc Assist The Arc Assist function will help you to navigate
along an arc. In the GX50/60, Arc Assist will help you
fly approaches with DME Arcs. Arc Assist can be used
as a user-defined arc to avoid special use airspaces, or
for conducting aerial searches using increasingly
larger circles. The Arc Assist page shows the direction
of the arc (left or right), the reference waypoint
identifier, the desired track for the arc, and the
distance to the reference waypoint.
The Arc Assist reference waypoint defaults to the
nearest VOR unless you have already selected one.
ENTER to accept the displayed reference
waypoint. Press
SEL to choose another reference
1. In the Navigation function, turn the
LARGE knob to
reach the Arc Assist page. Press
ENTER to accept
the displayed reference waypoint and go to step 3 or
choose another waypoint and go to step 2.
Arc Assist
ref: UBG vor
Press ENT or SEL
Navigation Basics
14 nm
Entry radial
Arc radius