354 AMD Geode™ SC1200/SC1201 Processor Data Book
Video Processor Module - Video Processor Registers - Function 4
10 HOR_INTP (Horizontal Interpolation).
0: Disables interpolation. Pixel replication is enabled for pre-encoder scaler.
1: Enables interpolation in pre-encoder scaler.
9:0 Reserved. Write as read.
Offset 818h-81Bh TVOUT Debug Register Reset Value: 00000440h
31:11 Reserved. These bits are used for test purposes only. Write as read.
10 Reserved. Write as read.
9 FIELD_INVR (Field Invert).
0: Field is not inverted. (Default)
1: Field is inverted
8 Reserved. Write as read.
7 ENC_OR_TV_FIELD (Encoder or TVOUT Current Field). Selects if the current field status bit (bit 6) is to be generated by
TVOUT or by the encoder.
0: Derive the field from the encoder timing generator. (Default)
1: Derive the field from the TVOUT module timing generator.
6 Reserved. Write as read.
5:0 Reserved. Write as read.
Offset 81Ch-81Fh Reserved
Offset C00h-C03h Timing & Encoder Control 1 Register Reset Value: 00000000h
31 VTEN (Video Timing Enable). When this bit is set to 0, the counters in the video timing generator are disabled, the sync
signals are disabled, and the blank signals are asserted.
0: Disable.
1: Enable.
30 IPS (Invert PAL Switch). When set, inverts the sense of the “PAL Switch”. (Refer to Video Demystified, Third edition by
Keith Jack, Chapter 9, section “Color Subcarrier Generation” and section “GenLock”, subsection “Subcarrier Generation for
details regarding PAL Switch.)
29:28 SCRESET (Subcarrier Reset). Defines the interval between resets of the subcarrier generator.
00: Never reset.
01: Reset every two lines.
10: Reset every two frames. (Best setting for NTSC.)
11: Reset every four frames (PAL).
27 BLANK (Blank). When this bit is set to 1, the video output is blanked.
26 CBD (Color Burst Disable).
0: Color burst is enabled.
1: Color burst is disabled.
25 SETUP (Setup). Adds 7.5 IRE offset to the video signal and rescales the signal as required.
0: Do not add the IRE offset. This is the recommended value for PAL.
1: Add the IRE offset. This is the recommended value for NTSC.
24 PAL (PAL Select). Sets color encoding mode to PAL or NTSC.
0: NTSC.
1: PAL.
23 STD (Standard). Sets the overall timing of the video generator.
1: 525 lines / 60 Hz
0: 625 lines / 50 Hz
Table 7-9. F4BAR0+Memory Offset: Video Processor Configuration Registers (Continued)
Bit Description